I was in these conferences and summer
* 2000, September 4-7:
International Conference on Microwave Chemistry,
Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins, France.
* 2001, October 5-6:
EU-Network meeting on Electron Transfer Reactions,
* 2002, June
11-13: Swedish/Taiwan/Japan workshop on chemical dynamics,
SCFAB, Sweden.
* 2002, July
23-27: Summer school: Cambridge, Massachusetts,
* 2002, July
28-August 2: XVIII International Conference on Atomic Physics,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
* 2002, October 18-19:
Third Network Meeting on Electron Transfer Reactions
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
* 2003, July
23-29: XXIII International Conference on Photonic Electronic and Atomic
Collisions, Stockholm, Sweden.
* 2006, May 08 -
June 04: Cross beam experiment in Institude Of Atomic And Molecular Sciences
Academia Sinica,
Taipei, Taiwan.